We have promoted community based and low cost approaches to increase access to safe and water and improve sanitation conditions in Aweil Central and Aweil East Counties in a bid to provide a clean environment that facilitates proper growth and development of girls and boys.
Key among the innovations achieved since the inception of the organization in 2008 is the construction of 21 model water pump boreholes to address the issue of water borne related diseases which has causing high child morbidity and mortality.
Community water supply is instrumental in ensuring increased access to safe water helping to improve health conditions, reduce the burden of women and children searching for clean water and increase productive time in households.
This programme is also aimed at eliminating the shame associated with lack of a latrine especially when we receive visitors. Communities are encouraged to protect their Open Defecation Free status. When they see a passerby defecating or attempting to defecate in the bushes, they are encouraged to talk to them and for instance say: Where are you coming from? Don’t you know we are open defecation free”.